Posted in General Inspiration, Pep Talk

Today is Yours

(c)DearTeacherLT2013 (You may use the image if you link back to the blog and/or give credit to Dear Teacher/Love Teacher)
(c)DearTeacherLT2013 (You may use the image if you link back to the blog and/or give credit to Dear Teacher/Love Teacher)

Dear Teacher,

I took this picture over the summer when I went to New York City.  I don’t know if you can see it, but there is a quarter down in the drainage tunnel under that grate.  I would say that the bottom of the tunnel was somewhere between 6-8 down.  I don’t know why I had to take a picture of it, but I just had to.

I am not sure who dropped that quarter, or if they even knew they dropped it.  I am sure of one thing, though.  That quarter is pretty much gone once it is in the tunnel.  It was probably not a big deal to the person who dropped it, but he or she was definitely less one quarter in her or his life!

(c)DearTeacherLT2013 (You may use the image if you link back to the blog and/or give credit to Dear Teacher/Love Teacher)
(c)DearTeacherLT2013 (You may use the image if you link back to the blog and/or give credit to Dear Teacher/Love Teacher)

This morning I was thinking about how every day is new.  Every day we get to start over.  We get to start fresh.  We get a clean slate.  Even if there are consequences from yesterday, we still get a “do over” when the Sun comes up (unless you are near the North or South Pole in the Summer…but you know what I mean!).

That being said, do you have any quarters that you are holding on to?  Are there things that you need to let go of so that you can start fresh today?

No matter what happened before, today is your new day!

If you messed up in how you taught something…let it go.  Do better today.

If you lost your cool with a student, coworker, or administrator…get passed it, make amends, and move forward.  Try to change your reaction next time.

If you are behind on grading…find a way to manage it, and get through it.  Find a way to not let it pile up again.

If you just feel beat up, worn out, or burned down…find a bright spot today.  Don’t let the stresses steal your joy and the beauty of what you do!

Let go of the quarters that are holding you back!  Let it go.  Take today and make it yours!

There is a quote from an old Saturday Live Sketch that I think completely applies here…it is one of my favorites.

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let ’em go, because man, they’re gone. -Jack Handey

Let your keys of yesterday go…because they are gone!

Today is yours!  Make it yours!

You are awesome!  You are amazing!  I know that you will make today the best today there ever was!  Let those quarters go!  You made a difference, never forget it!  Keep on teaching, Teacher!

Love, Teacher


I am a middle school teacher who lives in the upstate of South Carolina.

2 thoughts on “Today is Yours

  1. How do you endlessly come up with so many positive things to say? I so need to hang out here more often. Thanks.

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